Patti Pongal in Pollachi

Pollachi farmer celebrate the traditional Patti Pongal to thank and pray for well-being of cattles.
On that day the cattle too are washed, their horns are covered in a fresh coat of paint, a nice dab of
sandal and vermillion is applied on their foreheads and as a finishing touch new ropes and bells are
wound around their necks.

In farms they digs Pits known as theppa kolams its square in shape were built, layered and readied to hold water.
The pond is filled with water and coins are dropped into it.

Seven white stones representing the Kannimaar, the seven goddesses of the Hindu pantheon, are
positioned on one side.

Multiple pongals are made this day, but the most important offering is in honour of Pattiyavidaithaai,
the goddess of the patti.
Finally the bull is brought into the patti and made to take down all the festoons. Then milk is boiled
and shared with everyone present, marking the end of the patti nombi.