Traditional Kongu dance in Pollachi.

Kummi is a folk dance, popular in Tamilnadu . Valli Murugar Kummi Pollachi Traditional Dance Of Kongu. it is very simple, with rhythmic clapping or beating of the drums. There are many forms of the Kummi dance.

They are the Poonthatti Kummi, the Deepa Kummi, the Kulavai Kummi, the Kadir Kummi, and the Mulaipari Kummi.

Oyil means beauty. This dance is hence the dance of beauty. Traditionally, it is danced only by men. 10 years ago women also began to participate.

This dance is prevalent in the south districts and Kongu Nadu in particular.
The dancer tries handkerchiefs on their fingers and bells on their ankles while performing the steps.