Madurai to Tirupur TNSTC AC bus Timings

Traveling from Madurai to Tirupur has become a breeze, thanks to the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation’s (TNSTC) AC bus service. With a range of convenient timings, comfortable seating, and affordable fares, TNSTC ensures a hassle-free journey for passengers. Covering a distance of approximately __ km, the route offers a seamless connection between these two vibrant cities in Tamil Nadu.

In this blog, we will delve into the TNSTC AC bus timings for Madurai to Tirupur, explore the government bus ticket prices, learn about SETC bus ticket booking procedures, and discover the diverse timings and fare options available.

So, get ready to embark on a comfortable adventure as we guide you through the journey from Madurai to Tirupur via TNSTC’s efficient bus service

Madurai to Tiruppur

Dept. Time (at Passenger Start Point)

8:20, 16:25, 17:00, 18:50

Tiruppur to Madurai

Dept. Time (at Passenger Start Point)

13:15, 21:35, 21:55, 23:45