Gandhipuram to Udumalai TNSTC bus Timings

Route: 725A
Source: Gandhipuram
Source Time: 08:46:00
Destination: Udumalai
Destination Time: 11:15:00
Class: Ordinary (ORD)
TNSTC-CBE (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Coimbatore) operates this bus route with multiple daily services.

Route: 725A
Source: Gandhipuram
Source Time: 17:30:00
Destination: Udumalai
Destination Time: 19:55:00
Class: Ordinary (ORD)
TNSTC-CBE (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Coimbatore) offers evening services on this route as well.

Gandhipuram and Udumalai are two places located in Coimbatore district, and TNSTC-CBE provides timely bus services between them with the class of Ordinary (ORD).