Erode to Aranthangi TNSTC bus timings and Ticket Booking

Here is the bus schedule information for route 423 from Erode to Aranthangi, operated by TNSTC-KUM (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Kumbakonam):

Route: 423

Departure from Erode to Aranthangi:

  • Departure: 23:50:00 PM
  • Arrival at Aranthangi: 7:15:00 AM
  • Service Type: EXP (Express)

This is the departure time from Erode to Aranthangi on route 423, along with the respective arrival time and service details. Please note that bus schedules can change, so it’s advisable to check with the operator or visit their website for the most up-to-date information before planning your journey.