Dindigul to A.KOMBAI TNSTC bus timings and Ticket Booking

The information you’ve provided appears to be related to a transportation schedule, specifically a bus or train schedule, and it includes the following details:

  1. Departure Location: DINDIGUL
  • Departure Time: 7:45:00 AM
  1. Arrival Location: A.KOMBAI
  • Arrival Time: 8:20:00 AM
  1. Service Type: ORD (which could stand for “Ordinary” or a specific service category)
  2. Operator: TNSTC-MDU (possibly the transport company or operator)

This information appears to represent the schedule for a transport service departing from DINDIGUL at 7:45 AM and arriving at A.KOMBAI at 8:20 AM. The service type and operator details are also included. If you have any specific questions or need additional information, please let me know.