Dharmapuri to Ajjampatty TNSTC bus timings and Ticket Booking

It looks like you’ve provided some information related to bus timings between Dharmapuri and Ajipatti. Here’s what the information appears to represent:

Route: D22A
Departure Point: Dharmapuri
Departure Time: 9:30:00 AM
Arrival Point: Ajipatti
Arrival Time: 10:30:00 AM
Bus Type: ORD
Bus Operator: TNSTC-SLM

Additionally, there seems to be another set of timings for the same route:

Route: D22A
Departure Point: Dharmapuri
Departure Time: 7:50:00 PM
Arrival Point: Ajipatti
Arrival Time: 8:50:00 PM
Bus Type: ORD
Bus Operator: TNSTC-SLM

If you have any specific questions or need more information about this route or schedule, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to assist you further.