Cuddalore to Capper Quary TNSTC bus timings and Ticket Booking

Here’s the bus schedule information you provided for these routes in a simplified tabular format:

Bus Schedule

RouteDeparture LocationDeparture TimeArrival LocationArrival TimeReferenceBus Company
2Cuddalore10:10 AMCapper Quary10:30 AMORDTNSTC-VPM
30Cuddalore9:45 AMCauper Quary10:00 AMORDTNSTC-VPM
30Cuddalore12:30 PMCauper Quary12:50 PMORDTNSTC-VPM
9ACuddalore5:05 PMCauper Quary5:25 PMORDTNSTC-VPM

This table displays the bus schedule for these routes from Cuddalore to their respective destinations, operated by TNSTC-VPM. It includes the route, departure time, arrival time, reference, and bus company for each specific schedule.